Mark's Bum Presents Book one and Book two of the first book - something wrong with Tolkeins syntax, but hey ho!
"The Fellowship of the Ring"
Book One
Book Two
1 - A long expected party
1 - Many Meetings
2 - The shadow of the past
2 - The Council of Elrond pt 1
3 - Three is company
2a - The Council of Elrond pt 2
4 - A short cut to mushrooms
3 - The Ring goes South
5 - A conspiracy is unmasked
4 - A Journey in the Dark
6 - The old forest
5 - The Bridge at Khazad-Dum
7 - In the house of Tom Bombadil
6 - Lothlorien
8 - Fog on the barrow Downs
7 - The Mirror of Galadriel
9 - At the sign of the prancing pony
8 - Farewell to Lorien
10 - Strider
9 - The great River
11 - A knife in the dark
10 - The Breaking of the Fellowship
12 - Flight to the Ford
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