The group owns some shared equipment including things like a fire-dog, cooking
utensils, tables, benches, an awning and tools etc. The group captain brings
these to each event.
We own a coin die and can mint reproduction Edward IV pennies for display or
sale. If you would like to try your hand at minting ask the group captain and
he will run you through the public talk.
If you have a craft and make a product you may be allowed to sell your wares
on-site. This will depend on the circumstances.
Feel free to sell privately to members of re-enactment groups. Selling to the public will require the permission of the event organisers and may involve donating a small percentage to group funds. There may be a market at the event. Again, the organisers should be consulted.
Whatever and wherever you wish to sell, please ask the group captain for advice.
This varies from event to event. Typically the public will arrive at 10am and
stay until 6pm. Of course you don't have to be 'on duty' all the time and can
come and go as you please.
If you need to take a smoking break or just need a break from public gaze there
is usually a closed tent in which to hide.
Toilets will be placed nearby. These may be portaloos or a toilet block and
will be outside the living history area. During the day some portaloos may be
locked and only accessible to re-enactors. This ensures that facilities remain